Manifesting Love 101 Pt. 1

Over the last several weeks, love has been the focus of my client sessions.  What I have discovered are three major disconnection points in attracting the love we desire.  Honestly, manifesting love is basic, we are making it complicated.  This disparity in what we perceive we need to do to manifest love and the basic things we need to heal and process to promote inner growth to be ready for love is polarizing.   My next few posts will highlight the deeper issues in hopes that you will pursue a more tangible connection to yourself and begin the journey of attracting love by identifying who you are and discovering the pathway to growth. 

Let us begin with resistance.   To be clear, resistance does not promote enlightenment. I’m not sure why we think fighting ourselves gives us momentum or solves any of our problems. It doesn’t move us closer to making meaningful connections, nor does it fine-tune our focus on the root of our troubles. When you think about being stuck, look for your resistance points—the things that have set you back in your past relationships, the circumstances that keep you hung up in your career.  I know you are thinking of all the things right now that others did wrong to you, but set that aside momentarily and focus on yourself.  A lot of resistance lives in the emotion of fear. Fear of loss, fear of losing favor with others, fear of rejection, fear of not being included, fear of eternal single-dom, but are these fears real, or simply what we believe to be true?  Our thoughts and emotions guide our actions. But, when we realize we are stuck, we innately blame. It’s always someone else.  We forget that we don’t have the clarity to make decisions aligned in purpose or with our highest potential in fear. We only make decisions that protect us from feeling more fear, not realizing that we are sure to attract more undesirable elements and outcomes to our situation.  

We also believe the resistance, the fight, is in our best interest.  When we fight against the thing and the people, we don’t have to accept responsibility for what we failed to do. Sometimes in fear, we don’t set appropriate boundaries. Many people feel confined by boundaries and want to feel free to choose. These souls are the ones who are out of touch with purpose and are often looking for approval or wishing to create or maintain relationships with others. In doing so, they abandon themselves and manifest more insecure traits and behaviors. 

Whether it be fear, insecurity, or the  eternal self-punishment of guilt, our emotions require separation from our core beliefs and leave us running around like an underage teenager behind the wheel of a car. We don’t have any limits, and we don’t understand the rules of engagement. We just want to ride and be seen. Like most teenagers, we don’t even understand the consequences of our actions. The emotional landscape isn’t stable, nor have we examined anything we feel for truth or alignment with who we want to be. 

So how do you attract love, meaningful partnership amid a shaky emotional foundation and no clarity within yourself? 

You don’t. 

If these words resonated with you as you consider the growth you need, and the love you desire but have yet to manifest,  I would love for you to schedule time with me, so that we can discover the root cause of the issue.     

Stay tuned for the other reasons why so many of us have steered the struggle bus too long in our pursuit for love,  in my next relationship post. 

In the meantime, check out these episodes of the podcast:

Navigating Relationships Pt. 1 

Fear on the spiritual journey

Radical self-care in the year of alignment