Resistance is not a superpower

Trust. There is no real basis of trust in the presence of spirituality for those that struggle the most. While it is easy to blame religion or evidence, it is truly a matter of adopted beliefs that they have not worked to move through because of fear. This prevents clarity, healing, awareness, and obstructs the need for a guide. There can be no grounding when faith and trust are absent from the emotional foundation of the being. Wanting to believe is not belief, desire to believe is fruitless because no being should need to be convinced of their soul’s nature. This is why the soul truth is so powerful; it activates an innate part of you; the soul, and creates sensations - soul or cell memory, the essence of your energy. This is spiritual-- literal spirituality in action.”

My friend Grace is always telling me the people love to be miserable. But I don’t want to believe that. How can that be? Misery is the inability to process emotions in a way that allows you to overcome the negative ones by examining them for truth. I believe that misery is attractive because, in a world where the dominant are so fleeting and only portraying happiness, our vibration attracts and succumbs to the harmful nature of our planned and given society.

I found myself at a loss last week. Showing up and standing for the Light and desiring what I want for myself for others. For two days in a row, in a healing space that I created, I have been met with staunch resistance. The words I have heard have been those of people showing up for spiritual guidance only because they want to say they did. Has the world morphed into one colossal performance? The need to convince others that you are “good” runs rampant amid social unrest and the global pandemic. 

Is it any wonder how our collective consciousness has guided us to a place where we all need to be masked and confined? We are becoming as toxic to each other now, as we have been to ourselves through the generations.

My valiant attempt at trying to help others realize that our souls are indefinitely pursuing peace was greeted by someone who was as dismissive at the possibility of healing generations of trauma as a summer fly buzzing aimlessly. 

As I passed on sacred information and perhaps even tried to convince those before me of the power of the Akashic Records and how it can support us; I became a reluctant student in my classroom and my standout lesson is this:  we are resistant because we don’t understand who we are spiritually, nor do we want to.  

We want to be free in our choices before we even understand the energy of freedom. In this society, we are taught that limits create not only order but also power, by default. Those that set the restrictions are the owners of choice, and so we adopt this framework as an automatic response, even if it errs in nature. 

To indeed be free, we must be expansive in thought, and in intention. This is how we move toward alignment and permeate the eternal frequency. Without considering freedom as an energetic possibility, we are remanded to the structure of limiting patterns. Therefore resistance is natural and transmutes into the strength we claim as a superpower. 

Why are we all so afraid?

I believe that we must get clear on that. Fear is the firmest limiting belief of humanity. Though there is no real secret to abundance, it often eludes us because of our cultured resistance. Attraction requires a single belief that you can accomplish what you set out to do, and the energy or the force of your attraction is your effort, the tasks you are willing to complete to get what you desire. 

The calamity is that negative energy and negative thoughts are more potent than positive ones. Our thoughts are continually leading us in and out of balance. The mature soul does not connect with the negative aspects wholeheartedly, and therefore those thoughts are fleeting—momentary desires out of the ever-present ego.

 But the immature soul, still functioning as a mere whisper of air and not a developed wind that lives within the being, is drawn to each thought in one regard or the other. Because there is no foundation, therefore, thoughts lean more towards the ego for the immature soul have not realized why it is here and all that it can be. 

The Akashic Records can be the vessel in which we embrace emotional maturity. Our mercy in this dimension of consciousness is that the Light uncovers the truth at the deepest levels, and in our awareness, we can be healed. 

The harsh reality is that transformation has never come easy to any human being. All humans incarnate to learn; thus, we must adapt to conditions that are foreign to our true essence to exist as a resident of this planet. However, our resistance to our clear and pure spiritual nature does not allow a pathway for soul growth. Abundance will never come easy to those that stand comfortably in opposition to spirituality. 

We must be permitters of our healing. This means that we must accept our soul level truths, consequently activating the healing that is available to us through spirituality. By doing so, we may become more of the very thing we started out resisting. As we draw closer to our spiritual nature and possibilities, we intuitively become more peaceful, more understanding, and more connected to everything. 

What do I want those that I share my knowledge with to understand? I want them to realize that there is no greater point than knowing that the unseen is more than what you perceive it to be. There are infinite things I have learned through the dimension of consciousness that is the Akashic Records, but I learned because I was open and respectful, reverent of the power that it holds. 

To learn more about the Akashic Records, check out this episode of The Life of an Empath podcast.