4 Common Triggers for Energy Vampires in Intuitive Coaching

If you’ve found your way to this post, I’m assuming that you were reading my previous thoughts on trauma-inflicted people in intuitive coaching -- particularly energy vampires. A quick recap of an energy vampire is anyone who clings to their victimhood within their mental health conditions, and the scenarios that brought them forth. Long story short, they drain you of your essence as soon as they enter your energy bubble. 

Such depletion is particularly harmful for the intuitive’s who work with such entities. Let’s discuss how and why deep spiritual and emotional work serves as a foil for many of them.  Keep reading for the most common triggers.

  1. Discernment.  Energy vampires have much resistance when it comes to any level of certainty with anyone but especially with those that they feel have power over them.  Instead of receiving the guidance and accepting it as soul level truth in alignment with the Akashic Records, I find clients challenge and get very aggressive when certainty comes to being given a message that triggers lack of control within them. 

  2. Peace.  The types of energy vampires I meet through my work are easily upset in calm and peace.  Conflict validates energy vampires.  While most people connect in warmth, and openness, energy vampires connect in judgement and chaos.  What I have learned about the victim’s mindset is that their emotional home-base is one riddled with anxiety, insecurity, guilt, and a ton of fear. When they do not find these emotions in the environments they enter, their body is literally searching for it. I always say what we are seeking, seeks us as well. 

  3. Hearing the story of others' pain.  Intuitive coaching group sessions can never be successful when there is an energy vampire present.  Boy, did I learn this lesson the hard way in dealing with those in trauma.  Energy vampires languish whether others thrive.  Hearing the story of another person's pain only serves to trigger them because they only feel comfortable serving as the perfect victim and in that mindset their pain is always the most significant.  In group coaching sessions, energy vampires serve to control the conversation with gloomy thought patterns, or somehow serve as a distraction with overt negative behavior.  Any free flowing conversation as it pertains to soul purpose, and especially areas to work on are overshadow by need to be validated for just surviving the day.  Be clear about one thing if nothing else, energy vampires do not want to do the work necessary to become a more positive source of energy.   

  4. Confidence.   This is a big one.  It’s interesting because in transformation, or any type of growth increasing your confidence level is critical to having the capacity to execute your personal goals.  Energy vampires are very triggered by the confidence of others and often envy and jealousy shows up in their reaction.  Instilling confidence in a coaching client is a critical component of not only change but a successful coaching process. Not to mention, confidence is key to achieving your soul purpose.  And, despite the fact that the primary goal in Intuitive Coaching is helping the client align more clearly with soul purpose, energy vampires are never centered in purpose, but in validation of their pain and experiences from their perspective. 

Look, if there is one thing that I have learned about energy vampires that find themselves in spirituality are not true seekers at all.  A true seeker is required to believe that Spirit exists.  The energy vampires I have encountered have displayed behavior that is not aligned with spirituality. Spirituality for all types of emotional abusers is just another method of manipulation.  It’s a way to “show and tell” and get people to believe they are better than their negative actions because they are seeking help or support.


Secondly, hard core energy vampires do not want help.  I believe after attempting to work with quite a few over  the years is that they want to be validated. These personality types are extremely narcissistic and they believe they know more about themselves than someone that can view them at a soul level, and this state of resistance is often permanent.  In my experience, energy vampires find identity in their negative behaviors overtime and in doing so they reject anything that will compromise it, even if they recognize on some level that they would like to be a better version of themselves. 

What we must all remember about spirituality is the concept of free will.  I believe that we are all spiritual beings, but whether or not we overcome our obstacles to seek our purpose in life in our decision.  Choosing the path of spirituality will not be a part of each incarnation for every soul. 

If you are genuinely focused on spiritual clarity (and not an energy vamp) schedule your first private Akashic Records reading with me right here.

Also, check out these episodes of the life of an Empath podcast:

What are the Akashic Records?

Navigating Evolving Relationships Pt. 1

Surrendering to the Intuitive Possibilities