This ain't therapeutic sorcery: Why the Akashic Records aren't for everyone

I just spent the last hour of my life doing something I said I would no longer allow, a relationship reading. After my first year in the business offering spiritual guidance, I realized the part of my work, I was least attracted to was relationship readings. Because, unfortunately, those seeking these readings rarely care about healing. For clarity, I define relationship readings as a session with someone desperately seeking a relationship without success or someone who has recently and unexpectedly been separated from a partnership. So think cyclic questions and buckets of tears.

Relationship readings are about getting the answer you seek to feel better. When you are going through hard times with a partner, all you want to know is, “Will we make it?” And, when it is over, unexpectedly, the only remedy you seek is getting back together. As you can imagine, this makes spirituality impossible! Which is why I’m not here for it.

It’s too much pressure. If the answer you receive is undesirable, there is nowhere to go in the reading. As the reader, you become the problem, the person standing in the way of reconciliation and things as you know them or wish them to be. There’s no solution, and so there is no end. It just really question, after question, and honestly, it’s unproductive.

That may be harsh to hear, but a relationship reading is a big part of why I can write this today. But, here’s the difference. When I decided to seek a psychic reading regarding a failed relationship, I had already identified myself as part of the problem.  

I said this out loud, “I don’t care if she tells me I am going to get hit by a bus tomorrow, I am going to find out why these orange traffic cones are constantly surrounding my love life.” I knew that if every relationship that I was experiencing kept ending the same way, I was the common denominator. Even though I was trying to understand more about the details of why our relationship ended, I didn’t absolve myself as innocent in the matter. Because of that small slice of awareness, I achieved clarity on who I was and not just question whether or not my ex was somewhere moving on at that very moment. 

There’s a difference between using a relationship to understand more about your internal pattern rather than using the reading to will you and your ex-partner back together. Or worse, to use the reading to manipulate your ex and offer evidence and blame for things you would ordinarily have no way of knowing. And manipulation is pervasive in relationship readings because anxiety and insecurity are dominant. Let me repeat that, highlight it, and make it italicized: “manipulation is pervasive in relationship readings because anxiety and insecurity are dominant.” Even when you are not actively trying to deceive or be self-centered, those emotions are breeding grounds for such behavior. 

One more note about manipulation. It is very common to ask the reader in relationship readings that are manipulative or leading in nature. The person looking for answers is not the person seeking guidance. The former is the person looking to get the most out of their investment in the reading, and the later is looking for growth. 

So let me get to my real point: the Akashic Records are for seeking soul level information. In the Records realm, if you are aligned, you would be looking for answers about the purpose of the connection with the relationship with your ex, such as: “What lessons were you to learn for growth?” Or, “How to get past the pain?” The Akashic Records are not intended to offer predictions but to provide you with energetic healing by gathering information about your intuitive abilities, creative talent, your growth potential, ancestry, and past lives; soul-level information. But here’s where things get sticky, the Akashic realm is a higher-level consciousness, and though everyone wants access to everything these days, this realm is not for everyone. Your first session will be very telling if you are aligned with the Akashic realm or not. 

 My first mentor told me years ago that everyone would not be attracted to the Akashic Records, and that I should know that before deciding on that as a spiritual focus. I can’t be sure if she intended to steer me in a specific direction, but I believe she thought I would exclude myself from easy readings that would be a steady stream of income. However, I know myself, I’m pretty deep, and the thought that I would have to work harder to do the work I desired didn’t scare me at all. 

Psychic readings tend to be about receiving validation, and ultimately we call upon this energy and these abilities when we are desperate. The Akashic Records are aligned with seeking a connection to spirituality. 

I sincerely want to share with you what I believe the real issue is with psychic readings and spiritual guidance.  I want to take you deeper into what questions you should be asking before you receive a psychic reading, an Akashic Records reading, or Intuitive Coaching, but it will have to wait for Part 2 of this blog.

In the meantime, if you are seeking soul growth, schedule a session with me here.

And, check out these episodes of the podcast:

Spirituality Uncovered:  The Business of Intuition

What are the Akashic Records?

Surrendering to the Intuitive Possibilities