Soul Lesson: The Victim Mindset

Soul Work

Since I have begun offering intuitive guidance, I have discovered a few things about the type of women most attracted to this deeply spiritual soul work. Almost all of them are seeking transformation. Yes, transformation! Transformation has become this buzzword for desiring to experience a personalized version of Super Soul Sunday. But the word transformation has been grossly romanticized. When most think of transformation, they most often think “aha moments,” but rarely do they consider the real work it takes to change.  

The soul work is facing yourself. And, that can mean many things for different people. The key to getting to the positive end of change and arriving at significant transformation is first accepting all of the things you are in the now. Sometimes the now is ugly. The now is most likely filled with lots of fear, and fear manifests in many ways. Fear is not always pure terror. When you think about working with an intuitive empath regularly and getting Akashic Records readings and messages from your spirit guides, fear often manifests like this: defensiveness, not listening, resistance, denial, self-judgment, and blame. By the way, this goes against the three guiding principles of the Akashic Records: fear not, judge not, and resist not. 

Generally, right about the time there is an actual turning point to be made, the victim mindset shows up. This mindset prevents the initial shift that it takes to get over the hump and release the most massive part of the emotional baggage. 

At the beginning of the month, I held a week long group healing session on mindset, and it was dynamic! With mindset fresh on my mind, I decided to ask Spirit about the victim mindset so that I can help to create more awareness around this behavior for my new clients and new folks that come on board later. 

What is the mindset of the victim?

I asked my guides about it, and here’s what Spirit offered me yesterday:

“The mindset of a victim is a dangerous state to be. It is a cyclic state of mind where everything and everyone either triggers the pain or the circumstance that created the victimhood. It allows no air for freedom or the opportunity to see things positively. 

Victims are often stuck at the time that led to the victim's mindset. Victims live in the past, always the past. For the future is an idealistic time where things will be different and better, and from the future perspective, there is no responsibility to exist in the present. 

The present is where it hurts. The present is the aftermath of the tornado that ruined their life as they once knew it. The truth is we are all victims of injustice in varying degrees, but it is the mindset that separates you. It is how you choose to heal, recover, and accept that clarifies your intention. When you are harmed, your life force becomes weakened. During those initial hours, your mind and soul are at battle to forgive and move on or stay there looking for vengeance, retribution, or mere solitude—all of these manifest more emotions and thoughts that create more pain and further the victim's mindset.  

The victim will always be lonely in a crowded room. The victim will always seek but never find. The victim is in a constant state of resistance. Resistance to moving forward, resistance to letting go.

When you are a victim, your trade-in your life experience for a fostered life experience, one that was never intended to be your path, but free will in any form is always within reach.  

Hurdles and obstacles will always be present and presented. How will you shape your mindset moving forward?”

Eerily powerful, wouldn’t you say? I am going to sit with this more and let this seep into my being. 

If you would like to discover the soul work you have ahead, schedule an Akashic Records session with me today!

Also, check out these episodes of the life of an Empath podcast:

What are the Akashic Records?

Navigating Evolving Relationships Pt. 1

Surrendering to the Intuitive Possibilities