Manifesting Love 101 Pt. 3

Today, Im rounding out my series on Manifesting love by discussing trauma and the importance of responsibility, and how your soul lessons play a part in creating space for the love you desire.

Trauma.  The “t” word we are all constantly trying to escape from in some way. The memories of things gone wrong that you try to avoid but inevitably manifest through said avoidance.  Right? I mean , how do you perceive it or regard  trauma  in your life?  

I believe we regard trauma as something that will be absolved by love from another person.  In this way,  I truly believe that we watch too much TV because showing up to dates and relationships as a complete mess and thinking that a prince will sweep us off of our feet is literally daydreaming.  I don’t mean to sound crass, because I know how it feels to love, love and at the same time feel hopeless about it. 

I was reminded recently by my mother about a conversation we had years and years ago.  I was on a break from work in 2009 and I called explaining how tired I was of being alone and having to make every single decision for myself and having to feel the weight of life all alone.   I didn’t know it at the time but I was rejecting adulting at the moment.   I was looking for someone to save me from myself, someone I could not necessarily depend on but exert codependent tendencies.  It was no wonder the very next person I manifested was complete trash!  And, would you believe I felt more alone with him than I did by myself?   I look at the situation now like I was so tired of being alone, but I wasn’t tired enough of my issues or sick enough of avoiding the problems to really heal myself and then look to love.   I didn’t really get sick and tired of me for another 3 years following the conversation with my mother. 

Something that I say often to my clients is, “we are the center of our circumstances.”   I get pushback on that idea often.  And, the reality is most of us don’t want to accept that wherever we are in our work, our relationships, our partnerships, our lives are 100% on us.  We create our existence with our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. 

The Importance of Responsibility 

Taking responsibility shows that you are mature. Children are taught the importance of responsibility and the difference between right and wrong. These lessons are how you handle the weight of obligation. This is how you understand growth. When you become a certain age, you are permitted privileges. As such, souls mature as they move through lessons. This is how you experience soul growth as you accept lessons as the conduit for change. Souls that refuse to accept responsibility do not grow, do not advance and do not move forward. These souls spend endless amounts of time trying to rationalize with ego long after the lesson could have been mastered. These are the type of souls that remain earthbound and never advance to the light. The soul is not separate from how it operates in the body. If you allow your soul to be stuck on Earth in the context of a lesson, it can also be stuck once the body is no longer connected. Every soul must accept who they are, the life they lead, and the experiences for growth. The alternative is to remain stuck and being forced to repeat many lessons. These recurring lessons become a theme of failure in life. This theme does not produce advancement.

How do your lessons come into play when manifesting love?

 When it comes to manifesting love, there has to be a profound understanding and acceptance of responsibility. We must recognize how the previous lessons that we either refused to accept or where oblivious to see create the reality of love we currently exist in. I would venture to say that the true key to manifesting love, is having a keen awareness of the maturity it takes to accept another soul being intertwined with yours. It should be lost on no one that love is called a “union of two souls”. Now some may have other variations on that, but manifesting love becomes a subconscious choice that we must make before it ever breaks into our three dimensional reality.  We cannot do that if we do not unpack our trauma, unlearn low vibrational habits and leave behind the sentiment that we are not capable of attracting the highest love. 

For some people, hearing that they are attracting the love they believe they deserve or have grown accustomed to is going to be difficult to read. However, this is merely the first level of awakening that  comes before personal enlightenment. 

We must always remember that our first love is to ourselves. We are here to love the person we see in the mirror and through that transformative love, can we better align with Spirit and our romantic soul connections. 

If you want to proactively identify and sort through your past trauma,  schedule time with me here.  I am here to help you step steady feet on your pathway to love. 

In the meantime, check out these episodes of the podcast:

What is an Empath? Pt. 2

What is an Empath? Pt. 3

Surrendering to the Intuitive Possibilities