Is tarot therapy useful?

There was a time in my life where I was encouraged to fear certain aspects of spirituality, but I realized over time that was based on my parent's view of what they deemed spirituality to be. For many clients I work with, their initial fears of spiritual guidance parallel the same concerns my parents and my growth community instilled in me about psychics and tarot cards. What's important to note about this article is that this is based on my personal experiences and that you can use whatever form of divination that you choose for yourself or through a guide, but be conscious that it is divination and that is something to be mindful and something everyone must decide for themselves based on their circumstances, and especially their personal roadblocks. 

I had my first tarot reading in the summer of 2014; this was well after I had already been  offering readings for others and had a tarot deck of my own. The day I had my cards read, I walked into a little metaphysical spot where they sold crystals, sage, and the like. I asked for a reading, and the lady was a bit taken aback for a couple of reasons: one, she knew I was spiritual leaning (psychics, mediums and empaths, etc., always recognize each other), and I was obviously in a pagan shop, and she said as much instantly, and two, I was black and on the wrong side of the tracks.  I would learn that the black lady who offered readings was on the other side of town, but to be expected in a place like Chattanooga, TN.   I share this experience because though it was an accurate reading that she offered, the spiritual influence present, was not aligned with me vibrationally.   It’s important to note the difference between a practice not being for you and an energy that is not in alignment before delving into any form of divination.   But, this is where practices like tarot therapy create a feeling of access that overpowers the need to be cautious. 

Tarot Therapy: The Deeper Conversation 

Tarot can be helpful if you understand it. One aspect people are not clear on is the difference between the metaphysical and the spiritual, this is where the false start with tarot begins. This distinction is important because although tarot can be placed under the umbrella of spiritual practice; it depends on how you prepare yourself and the cards for the reading that determines the nature of the practice. A pagan ritual will most certainly be different from one where light beings are present. Most people who desire to dabble in tarot today as a form of therapy, haven't used it as a part of spiritual practice for generations or aren't intuitively inclined. They often misuse it by creating their interpretations not only for themselves but also for others.

By using tarot cards, you are tapping into the unseen world, and you should have a good understanding of that before you shuffle a pretty deck and start asking questions. Divination is never about the tool used, but about the energy you connect with to bring forth the message. Some diviner's practice with dark energy, and some practice with light beings. It is your energy that determines what energy is most attracted to you. This you can't control, so you could be telling yourself you are the most positive person on the planet, and at your core, vibrate the most negative energy, which means working with cards will bring forth a dark vibration. 

The come as you are mentality doesn't work for spiritual pathways. This is the trouble with the conflicting attitudes toward many forms of divination, such as tarot. All aspects of spirituality require surrender. If tarot is to be used as your therapy or spiritual practice, you must be able to answer the question, to whom am I surrendering?

Only open doors you are invited into.....this is so difficult for spiritual enthusiasts and especially psychic fanatics. They want a sense of control, and a deck of tarot cards seems the most accessible. It takes nothing to order a set or many of your own and dive into the world of predictions after watching a few lives and using the tarot card guide book as your Bible. But, is this responsible for you or for others that you may be offering this to? Access to anything doesn't make it your domain or your designation in the spiritual sense. Honestly, the best tarot card readers have been doing so throughout their lives. Often their cards have moved through the generations. We forget that tarot cards are an ancient form of divination as we have moved away from the classic Rider Waite style and have made creating decks of our own for our personal use and for the masses commonplace. 

Most people don't have a daily question or a circumstance to explore. Most are simply seeking to understand where to direct their energy away from their typical pattern of behavior. For this, affirmation cards or creating your daily intention would be more beneficial than tarot. Just like with psychic readings, constant questions create dependency. This is why I center on balance in coaching others intuitively. When you have balance in your growth process, equal parts emotional clarity paired with spiritual guidance, you have the opportunity for spiritual independence. This goal of freedom allows you to forge a path of your own and explore other healing modalities and creates a model for you to be empowered in structuring your spiritual practice.

How are you preparing to interact with Spirit through tarot? 

On the cusp of writing this post, I came across one of my favorite YouTubers talking about the dangers of working with tarot. I wasn't shocked that her stance was against it because this woman identifies with Christianity as her chosen religion. However, what was appalling was the almost vulgar way in which she demonized tarot card use and equated the repercussion as imminent death. I believe it extremely important for those not to speak ill of things they are not well versed in, especially when they have significant influence over others. 

One of the most important ways to prepare to engage with guidance is to trust. Tarot is a tool of divination to predict and reveal elements of your circumstances that you can't see because of the influence of the ego. Trusting is a critical aspect, but to trust, you must have belief. Spiritual forces of all kinds answer the call of the diviner, so there must be belief and intention when conjuring spiritual beings. Many will warn you of the dark side of tarot, but tarot is not instinctively dark, though it can be without intention and spiritual protection.

Tarot should not be taken lightly; it is divination, so you must be prepared for the experience, as well as the answers you seek.

Should tarot be used as a form of daily therapy?

Tarot cannot reconcile and help you process all of your circumstances' emotions with clarity; this is where guidance should be utilized. All that sincerely seek spiritually must be guided. Tarot can offer you answers, but how you react to the outcome of your query is not revealed here. Support from Spirit is a gift, but creating a physical support system through connection, empathy, and the yearning for growth is critical in each incarnation.

Only skilled tarot card readers can pull cards and interpret them accurately based on their existing spiritual connection with the unseen. Still, even professional psychics, spiritual guides, and tarot card readers don't often interpret for themselves. If everyone could see everything there was to see about their lives; there would be no room or opportunity for ascension. 

The best form of self-therapy is through meditation. Through meditation, you can shed painful experiences and understand the circumstances that require more profound work and guided support. 

Tarot is a powerful divination tool, but tarot is a connection with the unseen world. It is not the cards that reveal the answer but the link to the other side that guides you in pulling the cards to show you the answer you seek. 

Be well prepared when you interact with the unseen because what you invite creates a lasting impact on your decisions and spiritual journey. 

If you would like to get guidance on your distinct spiritual pathway, schedule a session with me here.