Are you seeking more of your personal truth?

Are you unapologetically seeking your truth? Probably not, but you are declaring the desire to speak your truth.

People are afraid of the truth because it makes them responsible for the change. People don't want to change. I mean, do you want to change? No, right? You want to be done with the learning curve and massive stages of the growth portion of this thing called life. You want to LIVE. And be at peace with what you already know. If you're unapologetically honest, you want others to change and be more accepting of you right where you are. This is the explanation for why you want to "speak" your truth. Right? Admit it. 

Now, of course, that's not everyone, but it's the majority. Because even those who are learning to acquire facts and knowledge still have to be responsible for applying the knowledge, and acceptance is hard. Therefore change is hard, and most folks aren't up to the task. 

And, unfortunately, that's not how spirituality works. If you genuinely want to step into your highest light and not just say it, you will be required to do your work, and doing the work means you will change, simple and plain.

Let me help you to understand a bit more about why you aren't seeking more of your own truth. It may be that you don't know where to start without calling up the pain and negativity you are trying to suppress, or you aren't sure where you seek support during the process. 

Consider this as a starting point: What is the one thing you know to be true in your life? Like one hardcore, personal raw truth.

I will let you think about it. 

As you start to think about your most profound truth, you might also contemplate what makes the fact accurate.

A Soul Lesson on Truth

The truth is what is recorded from the divine. The truth lives in all of us because we are descendants of the divine. We have allowed our egos to skew and diminish our soul truths, for we must be fully connected to remember. When we are incarnate, we suffer each lifetime and get farther and farther away from the truth. Then truth becomes a matter of perspective. Society tells us that truth is a collective belief, but it is not. The truth is truth in the absence of belief. The truth is all that is. When you are separated from the truth, from the knowledge, from universal guidance, the ego is quite impressionable. But, there is always a clue of rejection from the ego, which is known as doubt. Our doubt eventually leads us to seek, understand, clarify, and ultimately remember the truth.  

The truth is the way to the light. When you seek the truth about yourself or about a situation, you seek your guiding light. When you seek, you must be intentional. Call it out and make a simple request for what you desire. Whether Earthly or of another realm, no soul will be denied the truth. Because the truth is all, there really is. And as above, so below. 

The truth reigns. 

If you are considering a journey of self-discovery this season, tap into your soul-level truth with guidance and support. Schedule a session with me here.