Life of an Empath

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Astrological Hot Take: Venus Retrograde 2023

There’s roughly 24 days left of summer, and t-minus 5 days until Venus stations direct and officially ends Venus Retrograde which began in the sign of Leo.  And to be honest with you, this is one of the most productive summers I have experienced in quite some time. 

The central focus: growth. 

And for those of you that are currently working with me in intuitive guidance, you know when I grow you you gotta grow too.

Most people  are consumed with a constant state of DND in summer. Though this summer, I knew that it wouldn’t be enough to really come out on the other side feeling like I got something out of it.   Early on, I decided to plan for my future in a way that I haven’t in the past.   I'm the Queen of winging it and riding the vibes of the moment, before vibes were even a thing.   But, at some point we all have to grow up, and honestly get a little sick of ourselves to make changes.   I am always telling my clients to stay in the want.   And I know what I want to end up with at the end of the year is peace, and mental abundance. Do you know how you want to feel on 12/31/23?   Because what I am certain of is it’s nearly impossible to create any  type of abundant outcome while emotionally bogged down and heavy. 

So in came my declaration-- I decided to put it out there that summer is for growth and I said I would go all in for that this summer, and I will reject anything that feels too heavy this fall.  And pairing the levity of summer with a growth intention is giving me the balance I need to just handle anything I have been avoiding. 

Little did I know at the time how many things were at play that would support me in this pursuit.  Well, not everything.  What I did know was that this is a universal 7 year, I have been talking about this since the tail end of 2022.    The 7 year is a year that helps you get quiet, it isolates you so that you have an opportunity to seek and receive deeper spiritual wisdom.  It helps you to align yourself with the person you truly want to become, but only if you allow it to happen.    So in essence, and what I have been guiding my beloved clients through this year is, it’s  “you” year!   It’s giving all the main character energy, but in a very introspective way. 

What happens in Venus Retrograde 2023?

What I wasn’t checking for specifically was Venus Retrograde (Rx)!  And boy is it offering all the juiciness needed to spice up a year of soul-searching.  Admittedly I have talked ad-nauseam about Mercury Retrograde because as a Gemini I am ruled by it, but Venus also has a significant impact on me as well. 

Now if this is feeling like I am about to totally geek out astrologically here, I won’t completely, I will save that for my monthly Zodiac Collective.   But here’s what I think is important for you right now Friend, as a spiritual seeker:

1. Venus Rx  in Leo season was po-wer-fulllll!  And its not done yet. Venus does not station direct until September 3, 2023. Upon which it will enter the post shadow phase until sometime around October 7th. So there’s still time to reflect, take action, and integrate before this cycle is complete. Venus is the Lover and it’s archetypes relate to love, values, money, reciprocity, sacral energy and most certainly our connections. It is here to remind us to check in on our relationships.   And like I always say, the relationships that don’t make it in a retrograde season (especially Mercury and Venus)  are ones that are difficult to build a bridge back to later.  So before we exit Venus Rx in September, you should definitely consider reflecting on the relationships that truly matter.  (Bonus Points if you do it this week).

2. Retrogrades are truly nothing to fear.  It’s the universal assist that you need to slow down and make your time Earthside meaningful.  When you think about retrograde, forget about everything you think will be derailed and focus on what is actually coming back around as a mirror for an incomplete lesson.   And we can understand the specific lesson by connecting this retrograde season to the same type of retrograde in our past.  But, one step in understanding retrograde itself is defining what it really means to you.  How do you feel about retrogrades in general?

3.  The universal 7 year offers you the vibration of momentum.  Nothing is more powerful than feeling like you are finally getting back at it, or  back in the game after feeling stuck.  The problem is a lot of people interpret the  universal 7 year with a sense of being stuck, but when you are isolated, and not carrying the burdens of others, you have the ability to hone in on you and you have no choice but to move. The trick is trusting that more is on the horizon as you plan, build, and take action without the need for an audience.  

4. The Aquarius full moon was intense!  Some of us were left exhausted and really unable to life, so I can see how that lunar moon was ALL about freeing yourself–literally!  As the universal energy of Venus is  working on our relationships, whether that be a person, love, money, beauty, self-image, etc. The full moon presented itself to remind us to let what is dead go.  This was not a moon for calling in new things, but releasing what was not aligned and what is never going to work.  In growth as we begin to embrace what is new within and around us, we also must do that in acceptance of what we must end.   So if you haven’t had a chance yet, consider who or what has to go.  Or, really think about what is in the way of your growth.  

5. Oh Mercury Retrograde, you again?    Yup! By the time you read this the universe is conspiring to get your communication in check while you are working on those relationships. We crashed into the Virgo season this year on the same day that Mercury Retrograde made it’s appearance after a couple of wonky weeks it it’s pre-shadow period.   All I will say about this is double, and triple check all forms of communication.   Leave extra time and a little room for error during your travels, and just keep it light.  Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces placements, take cover!!

I can’t say enough about how the universal atmosphere is shifting things around right now for all of us to walk into next year whole, abundant, and feeling like we did the work.   But, it’s up to you to define what seeds to plant, and what doing the work really looks and feels like for you. 

There's still just enough summer left to explore the invisible root causes of your roadblocks, and make a pivot that will count relative to your ascension in this life.  Leave the fall season for your integration period in preparation for the year ahead. Not the time where you are bored in the house,  in the house bored so you consider healing as an afterthought (or after fun).   

Whatever you manifest is a reflection of your energy and your vibration.   You already know what my core mantra is, “you are the center of your circumstances.”

And if that is true, what does authenticity really mean to you?

Where do you really want to be as you wrap another year around the sun?

Those are the questions only you can answer.  And often we need someone to help us get out of our own way, to see past our limiting beliefs to offer us an answer that represents our highest potential. 

The question becomes,  are you ready available now  to consider your circumstances deeply, with respect to your essential goodness and highest potential?

Are you ready to embark on a soulful journey to the ultimate truths, to harness light for the greater and universal good? Then
 schedule some time with me, and let's see if we can travel this road together.